Selected Publications


  • Shore Poetry, Issue 8

  • Atticus Review

  • The Temz Review, Issue 14

  • Whale Road Review, Issue 24. Also nominated for a Pushcart Prize

  • Hunger Journal, Issue 9

  • Star 82 Review, Issue 8.3. Also nominated for the Orison Anthology

  • CounterClock Journal, Issue 11

  • Across the Margin magazine

  • Stirring Literary, Volume 22. Ed. 4

  • Quince Magazine, Issue 3)

  • JMWW

  • Rogue Agent Journal



  • An interview published in Mint Lounge (April 16th, 2023)

  • My chapbook of poems: “The Necessity of Geography”, reviewed by Archita Mittra in Cafe Dissensus (October 18, 2016)

  • My Instagram covered in the Times of India (March 4, 2023)

A video interview on female poets with Tanya Mittal of Kitabi Cabins, Chalchitra Talks (on February 8, 2023)

A Youtube interview with Vaani Mahesh, of Chalchitra Talks (on July 7, 2022)

Podcast 1.

A reading of my poems – and a podcast interview on hauntings (and the healing powers of writing) with Olivia of Cleopatra’s Bling. Episode produced by Zoltan Fesco. (On the 15th February, 2023).

Podcast 2.

A reading of my poem, “Hunger” by Shreya Muley. Followed by a discussion about it, and about the distribution of gender roles in a household. (Featured on Poetry on Record’s Spotify Podcast, run by News9 Live).

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I run a creative writing community called Wildflowers Are Prayers - with a bunch of wonderful artists!