Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver

If you're a creative person, the answer to that Mary Oliver question is likely:

run in the pull of all that calls to your creative spirit.

So why not live the life that you secretly always knew you were meant to live?

Join us if you have been looking to

  • 1. write poems & stories after a long spell of not having written. To create words that you can be proud of.

  • 2. To learn to write again with the same carefree joy you used to, as a child. Take back the creative freedom that you had. And then some more.

  • 3. Join us if you need assistance finding submission opportunities, navigating the world of publishing, making a living as a writer.

  • 4. Be part of a community that validates parts of you craving to be heard as a writer. Get to reclaim the singularity of your voice. Not once, not twice. But over and over again.

Memory as a Storyteller (Writing Workshops in September & October):

  • So excited to announce our writing workshop series this month: Memory as a Storyteller. Have you been wondering about why you remember what you remember? Why only that memory— and no other? Is memory a reliable or an unreliable narrator? Why do some memories feel like dreams that never existed (even when they did)? In this session, we will learn to excavate our memories in a way that renders our writing deeply powerful.

    22nd September, 2024. Timing: 10:45 pm to 12:45 pm (EST), which is 7:45 am to 9:45 am (PST), and 8:15 pm to 10:15 pm (IST).

  • In this session, we will explore how memory acts as a natural storyteller. Memory is both a bridge to the past, and a catalyst for our imagination. We will look into the questions of why we remember what we remember. Is the act of remembering (certain certain particulars or portions of our lives) a choice, or involuntary? Why do some memories strike us suddenly— right when we’re in the midst of doing something else? What threads separate truth & imagination? In this meeting, we will learn how to weave memories into materials for our stories/ poems.

    22nd & 29th September, 2024. 10:45 am to 12:45 pm (EST), which is 8:15 pm to 10:15 pm (IST).

  • Writing Session: The Tenderness of a Human Heart. What season is your heart in? What has it been dreaming of? What if it we could create containers to hold the most unnameable yearnings of our heart? Join us in this session where we explore what Mary Oliver must’ve meant when she said, “I tell you this to break your heart, by which I mean only that it break open and never close again to the rest of the world.”

    22nd and 29th September, 2024. 10:45 am to 12:45 pm (EST), which is 8:15 pm to 10:15 pm (IST). A special free-writing + Office Hours + Feedback session on the 6th of October, 2024 as well.

Workshop Timings

We meet for all our workshops and writing sessions every Sunday of the month, from 10:45 am to 12:45 pm (EST). Which is 8:15 pm to 10:15 pm (IST). If you’re from India, or are an Indian resident - use the registration link below:

Kind Words from Workshop Members:

  • Trivarna has a knack for creating a beautiful creative environment all around. She gives us some of the most out of the box prompts. I especially benefited from her poetry classes - and ended up publishing two long poems that began during her workshop!

    - Alice S.

  • Take her classes if you want a full deep-dive into the world of poetry! She makes poetry so easy, fun and unforgettable. She made me want to experiment with so many different forms of writing forms, and write about every single theme I had ever wanted to write about! Go subscribe to her group and take her classes! It’ll be one of the best decisions of your life.

    - Priyanka K.

  • The best workshop I have attended all my life. Worth every penny and more. Her workshops are a safe space for me to process my emotions, all of them including grief. I came out not just a better writer, but a more healed person.

    - Cathy S.